Thursday, February 7, 2013

Death Of A Star

How Does A Star Die?
When a star does not have the money to pay off his debt to the Star Mafia, they tend to "disappear for a while".... Not really.
Actually a star "dies" when they run out of nuclear fuel that allows for the constant nuclear reactions. This causes them to lose a lot of their matter. Small stars typically collapse on themselves and compress into small core that eventually cools and turns into a White Dwarf. Larger stars tend to burn hotter and faster. So, when their nuclear fuel runs out, the star ends up losing its matter from massive explosions known as supernovas. After this explosion, the star's gravity causes it to collapse back in on itself pulling it and everything near it in towards itself. This creates the effect known as a black hole. Black Holes are a big topic by themselves so I won't get to into it right now. The act of a dying star is a fascinating occurrence.In fact, many of the stars that we see in the night sky could already be dead! The stars are so far away that the light from them thousands of years ago are just getting here.

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