Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Visit

I recently took a trip to Cornell for a visit to the Synchrotron. The Synchrotron is the particle accelerator that is found there. This machine basically takes small streams of electrons and its antimatter counterparts, positrons, and smashes them together at 99.999995% the speed of light. When matter and their antimatter counterparts collide, they annihilate themselves and create a huge bunch of matter which scientists can use to analyze and prove hypotheses. There are only a few of these accelerators in existence right now for a few reasons. One reason is because these contraptions are massive! The one in Cornell stretches underneath the whole campus and the famous L.H.C. (large hadron collider) in Geneva is much much larger. The LHC is being used by scientists to try and prove the Higgs Boson theory.
Unfortunately, the Cornell Synchrotron is too old to collide particles like they used to. But this retired accelerator is not completely out of business. It is still used for research. The radiation that the collider gives off when it is turned on is a powerful X-ray. This x-ray is used to as a way to look at things at a microscopic level. Many Nobel Prizes in Chemistry were given to people who used the machine for their findings. I am quite lucky to have been able to live so close to this particle accelerator.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Do aliens exist? Or is it just a myth? Well my answer to that is yes and no. I only say no because they may not exist as the preconceived notion of E.T. crash landing here and abduction people. Although no one has any tangible proof that aliens exist, there is a possibility that there is life out there. Probably not in the sense that you would believe, however.
Okay, so the universe is a really big place. It is so big that there is a possibility that somewhere, there is a planet, even a solar system almost exactly like ours. Which means the conditions that gave us the chance to prosper could be occurring somewhere else as well. But, there is more of a chance of that happening than there being aliens that have come up with the technology to travel light years away to come abduct the inhabitants of Earth. Another reason there could be aliens out there is because we have proof of other planets having the means to create life in our own solar system. On Mars, we have found traces of where water used to be. Which means that there is a chance that life could be created, at least single-celled organisms, on other worlds.
Of course you could be one of those people who believe that life from other planets have visited us and could be living among us right now or captured in the famous Area 51. For all we know you could be right. Maybe that is why no one knows what is going on in Area 51, or why pictures of strange lights in the sky can be found.
Or you could be a non-believer as well, you could think that planet Earth is a scientific anomaly that could never ever occur again in existence.

How Big is Our Sun?

So we have been taught since kindergarten that our sun is the largest thing in our solar system, but how large is it compared to the rest of the Universe? To be completely honest, it looks like a little pea compared to other stars that we have observed in our solar system. Lets take a little look into these sizes:

The largest known star shown in this video, VY Canis Majoris, is only one of the billions and trillions of stars in our galaxy. This star, would be able to fit 7 billion suns inside it. Now think of the trillions of other galaxies out there that could have stars twice as big as that one! It really puts into perspective about how small and insignificant we are in the grand scheme of the universe.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

TIME TRAVEL! The Most Controversial Sci Fi Topic

Alright, because none of this has been proven true, this is all my very own scientific opinion. Time travel seems like an interesting idea. Imagine being able to go back in time and see the world unfold or travel to the far future to see the world end. Pretty awesome right? Well unfortunately, there are limitations to time travel.
So think about travelling in a car down the street, you are travelling in three different dimensions. Time, is the fourth dimension, and so there must be a way to travel faster through it right? Well there is, at least that's what scientists theorize. Everything has a length in time just like they have a length in space. Our length in time is about an average of 80 years. Where particles have an infinite length in time. So there has to be a way to travel through this fourth dimensions. Scientists have theorized that these tiny holes smaller than you can see are breaks in time and space. These are called wormholes, connecting certain points in space and time. If scientists can find a way to enlarge these holes, then time travel would be possible. Unfortunately, you would not be able to choose the destination in time you would like to go. This picture below shows that different points in space time are connected by tiny points. We have yet to find these wormholes so we can only theorize about the existence of them and unfortunately cannot create the technology to enlarge these objects.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

God Particle

Now I don't know about you but I remember the time, quite recently, where I heard everyone talking about the Higgs Boson particle and how it was a big deal. But how many people really know about this "God Particle"? Let me give you a little bit of an inside look on it.
The Higgs field is a group of these particles that basically give things mass. Scientists wondered why there are certain particles that have mass and particles that do not have any mass at all. So the "Higgs force carriers" do not affect particles like photons therefore they have no mass. They have just recently discovered the Higgs Boson and proved the Higgs field to be true and explains how everything has mass and why some particles like the top quark has more mass then something that has no mass like a photon.